PSHE Curriculum Statement
At Cranford Park Academy, Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE) enables our children to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society. It aims to help them understand how they are developing personally and socially and it tackles many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up.
British Values are promoted through the aims and objectives of PSHE by supporting our children to become healthy and responsible members of society, as well as preparing them for life and work in modern Britain. Children at CPA have opportunities to actively put their learning into practice by making a difference and having an impact on our whole school ethos through responsibilities such as: head boy and head girl, house captains, school councillors, playground leaders, reading ambassadors and our eco team.
At CPA, we have an embedded curriculum based on the Jigsaw scheme of work. We aim to demonstrate appropriate subject knowledge, skills and understanding to fulfil the duties of the Relationship, Sex and Health Education and deliver an inclusive curriculum that is accessible to all and that will support every child to realise that everyone is unique and we should celebrate differences in the wider community and understand their place in it. Our intention is for all children to leave CPA as trustworthy, respectful and responsible individuals, capable of making positive choices which will have a valuable and lasting impact on their diverse and ever changing community.
Jigsaw is a whole-school approach providing a detailed and comprehensive scheme of learning for all children from Nursery to Year 6. The scheme provides children with opportunities to discuss and learn about personal health, wellbeing, safety, relationships, differences and aspirations. Through Jigsaw, children are given the chance to raise questions, discuss issues of importance, listen to and learn from others. The curriculum is designed so the whole school teaches the topics simultaneously building on prior knowledge.
The key themes are:
- Being me in my world
- Celebrating Difference
- Dreams & Goals
- Healthy Me
- Relationships
- Changing me
This programme of work is complimented through school assemblies where children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural curiosity is stimulated, challenged and nurtured. Additionally, at CPA we support topic based events such as World Mental Health Day and Anti-Bullying Week. We also provide opportunities for all children to engage with the excellent Hillingdon Life Bus provision. At CPA we have developed a Debate club which is used to promote social skills and gives opportunities for children to develop and deliver a balanced argument. Since September 2021 we are also subscribed to Votes for Schools to further enhance discussion and debate. This is a heavily PSHE based programme and enhances current provision.