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Science Curriculum Statement

At Cranford Park Academy our Science curriculum stimulates pupils’ curiosity about the world around them and teaches them to think critically and question.

As a result, our Science curriculum focuses on developing practical, scientific enquiry skills whilst encompassing the three strands of Science: biology, chemistry and physics. It utilises every opportunity for children to learn through experience and values a range of recording strategies that develop children’s knowledge and critical thinking.

Early Years teaching provides the basis for our progressive science curriculum, with a particular emphasis on children developing the basic scientific knowledge to understand the world around them. This foundation is built upon in Key Stage 1 when children are introduced to the concept of scientific experiments and recording results. Our Key Stage 2 curriculum further develops this by introducing the principles of fair testing and variables.

We hold an annual Science Week with the other Federation schools, where children plan and carry out an investigation focusing on an area of personal interest within their Science topics. These investigations are then presented to the whole school community through our own science museum event. We provide other additional opportunities for children to experience Science outside of the classroom, including a Year 6 bridge building workshop and a Year 3 trip to the Science Museum. Our aim is for children to take their knowledge and enthusiasm of Science home and allow them to teach their parents and other family members.

We endeavour for children to leave Cranford Park Academy understanding that Science has changed and continues to change our lives and that it is vital to the world’s future prosperity. We ensure that the Science curriculum we provide will give children the confidence and motivation to develop their skills into the next stage of their education and opens their eyes to the potential for a possible career in science.

Science at CPA

Science Curriculum